LESSON 5 - April 8, 2013


Operation C.A.N.T (Canvas Ain't No Thang) LESSON # 5

Ben W. Savage

Now that we've covered animation a bit (though there's LOTS of stuff left to cover), and have moved a couple things across the canvas, etc., let's take a look at some of the other stuff you can do with the canvas element without animation.

But first let's get up to date with the code:

<title> Adding drop shadows </title>
background-color: #333333;
<canvas id = "canvas" width = "550" height = "400"></canvas>


var theCanvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var context = theCanvas.getContext("2d");

context.strokeStyle = "#00ff00";


This is our standard setup thus far, so if you're just popping your head in at this point of the game, remember that all the goodies we'll be adding today go inside the <script> tag. If you save and run this, you'll see the old, familiar star we made a couple lessons ago.

First off, let's look at the guts of our code:

context.strokeStyle = "#00ff00";

See this code? We're going to FILL it now. To fill the lines we draw, we need to call another method called... fill(). Let's get rid of the stroke() method and add good old fill() in its place. Let's also add the following line just above where we specified the strokeStyle:

context.fillStyle = "#3300ff";

This is important, because if we don't specify what the fill color is, it defaults to black.

Our new code therefore becomes:

context.fillStyle = "#3300ff";
context.strokeStyle = "#00ff00";

And now we have a blue star! Of course you can set any hex value you like to the fillStyle. Now, let's get funky and give it a shadow!

To add a drop shadow to a filled shape (or even a stroke, too), we need to specify a few things:

  1. The shadow color
  2. The distance that the shadow extends from the shape
  3. The amount of blurring we want to apply to the shadow

So first things first:

To attribute a color to the shadow, we use a value called, you guessed it... shadowColor! It's assigned in the same way we assign a strokeStyle and fillStyle. Let's give it a color value of white.

context.shadowColor = "#ffffff";

Of course if you run it nothing happens yet, because we need to specity the distance that it extends from the shape. Which leads us to our second set of values:

context.shadowOffsetX (distance the shadow extends along the x axis)


context.shadowOffsetY (distance the shadow extends along the y axis)

So, without further ado, let's add these two lines to our code right underneath the shadow color line:

context.shadowOffsetX = 5;
context.shadowOffsetY = 5;

Save it, run it, and there we have a white drop shadow that extends 5 pixels to the right and 5 pixels downward. Interesting! Let's go on...

Go ahead and add this one right under our shadow offsets:

context.shadowBlur = 10;

And now we have a blurry, god-awful star with a god-awful blurry drop shadow! Cheesy! Excuse me if I don't think these are the most INCREDIBLE visual effects, but they're primitive compared to those you can make with super graphics designing programs. Then again, these are FREE!

Like I said a couple tutorials ago, you most likely won't be using these for your games, and your assets will most likely be imported to the canvas through sprite sheets and drawn in some other program, but we need to get through these cheesy effects for completion's sake. And hey, more tools is ALWAYS better and these dinky little shapes are always useful for simple animations like these. And SOMETIMES, though not very often, you can get these to look somewhat attractive. A drop shadow attached to some text is often attractive, for example.

So do we have a handle on drop shadows?? Are we ready to try some gradients?

A gradient, if you're unfamiliar with them, is a blending together of two or more colors. The next time you see a sunset, quit smooching with your significant other a second and look up into the sky. If your partner says you're distracted and walks away pouting, don't worry about it - explain that you're learning HTML5 games and need to study this stuff!

HTML5 > any human relationship ever, right?? I mean, who needs a date when you've got cheesy white drop shadows, am I right or WHAT??

But I digress...

But seriously, check out a sunset... do you see the smoothness with which the colors blend into each other? You can do the same darn thing in HTML5!

But enough theory, though...let's move on to drawing these suckers!

Now there are two types of gradients: those made in a circular way (radial gradients) and those made in a linear way (linear gradient). If that doesn't make sense, change your code to the following and give it a run:

<!doctype html>
<title> Linear Gradients </title>
background-color: #333333;
<canvas id = "canvas" width = "550" height = "400"></canvas>

var theCanvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var context = theCanvas.getContext("2d");

var gradient = context.createLinearGradient(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height);


context.fillStyle = gradient;


Hey, that's not so complicated after all!

It isn't, in fact, but it takes a little intuition to figure out how it works the first time you try it out.

Notice first of all that we added a variable named gradient under our context line. I just named it that way, but you can call it "thebestpartofwakingupisfolgersinyourcup" if you so desire. The name matters not.

The values DO matter, though!

So what's going on here? What are we defining with these 4 values? First off, if you remember my tip in lesson 1 (I think), you'll recall that if you have 4 values (hear a song coming on?) , most likely they're: x value, y value, width value and height value. And indeed they are here as well!

So what do you mean, x,y,width,height? x,y,width and height of WHAT?

Well, with this variable we're creating the dimensions of the gradient itself. In this case, it's gonna be a huge one and stretch all across our screen. As you can see, the width ranges all the way across the canvas and so does the height. We set this by adding (canvas.width and canvas.height) to our formula.

Everything else we add on top of this giant rectangle created with these 4 values will be "gradientized".

The big question is: how much? How much of what color and how much of another?

This is why we define the addColorStop of the gradient.

First off, the second value, as you can see from a mile away, is the hex color value we saw eariler. The first value is crucial to "grading" our gradient: it indicates where a color starts. These values range from 0 to 1 so they could be .4, .6, .8, .6213, .99999999 or .05555, for example.

Notice that in our addColorStops we have the first color stop (which is red) starting at .3 = 30% across the giant graident rectangle we drew. The second addColorStop (which is green), covers the rest and goes all the way to the end of our giant gradient. Make sense? Don't worry if it's sort of blurry in your mind. We're going to go over some examples in a second.

Lastly, we need to add a shape to the canvas to see the results of our beautiful gadient, right? Because, you see, our gradient will be forever invisible unless we put something on TOP of it. If you've worked in photoshop and have worked with masks and layers, it's the same sort of concept. In our case, the gradient occupies the entire screen, so ANY SHAPE that we draw on top of the giant invisible gradient will become "gradientized". Sorry if I use that word so much, but it's kinda neat!

So at the end of our code, we added a rectangle which starts at 100x and 100y and is 400 X 200.

Every shape that we draw after the color stops is like a layer on TOP of the gradient we drew. It's like the fillRect is acting as a sort of window that looks out upon the giant gradient below it. Get it now?

The best way to understand this is plug in some different values to our two add color stop values.

So first off, change the fillRect values to these:


This will make our window over the gradient the same as the gradient itself, so the entire gradient will pop up in the rectangle too!

Then change the addColorStop values to these:

gradient.addColorStop(.5,"#ff0000"); gradient.addColorStop(.5,"#00ff00");

Save, then run. And what do we see?

Not much of a gradient at all! Just two colors meeting halfway across the gradient.

Let's change the first values of the addColorStop around now.

Next set the first value of each to: .2

What changes?

The red value stops at 20% and the green value starts at 20%. Not too graident-y either!

Let's try setting the first value to 0 (0%) and the second value to 1 (100%). What now?

Now THAT'S a nice graident!! In fact, it's a perfect 50/50 smoothing!

Let's try giving the first value 0 and the second value .5

With that, the green takes up a lot more of the space than the red.

Is this sinking in now?

I could go on and try to explain this in terms of redness and greenness, but you'd have a much easier time understanding it if you doodle around with it by yourself and try different values. Now you know how to set up a variable for the gradient, you know how to change the degree of color in it and you know, most importantly, how it shows up on the screen through shapes. Let's keep this information in mind as we switch to a radial gradient:

Now instead of having straight gradients, we can also have gradients that use lines that are curved in nature. The only difference in terms of code is the definition of the gradient itself:

Run this code and let me know what you see!

<!doctype html>
<title> Radial Gradients </title>
background-color: #333333;
<canvas id = "canvas" width = "550" height = "400"></canvas>

var theCanvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var context = theCanvas.getContext("2d");

var gradient = context.createRadialGradient(100,50,30,100,50,200);


context.fillStyle = gradient;



Say, that looks sort of like a sun!

So, as you can see, the whole process of setting the raidal gradient isn't much different. We just have a couple extra arguments to work with.

The trick to these is understanding the values we put into the method.

The first two are the x and y coordinates of the center point of the first circle. The third is the radius of said circle. The fourth and fifth are the x values of the second circle and the last one is the radius of the second circle.

Easy, right?


context.createRadialGradient( circle 1 x,circle 1 y, circle 1 radius,circle 2 x,circle 2 y,circle 2 radius);

Got it?

I'd say that you can take it from here at this point. I could show you an extra couple examples, but it wouldn't be very useful to you since I'd be describing an abstract concept. Save, run and try a bunch of different examples of gradients of both types. You'll see that they're not very difficult to implement at all once you've made a few.

Whew! That was a long lesson! Hope you got something out of it and hope you can now start adding grotesque little effects to your canvas art through drop shadows and graidents! Again, I don't care much for them and GREATLY prefer making art in other programs, then importing them into my games through the drawImage() method, but that doesn't mean it should stop you from learning them! Hey, maybe you're working on a retro game that replicates graphics from the 80s/90s! You can also make simple games like breakout with 100% canvas graphics. But let's set the bar a little higher, shall we?

Tomorrow we get back to the cool stuff and get into how to import images as well as some text onto the canvas. We'll also have them move around the screen a litte bit too.

So stay tuned! As always, thanks for following along! Code didn't work for you? Hate me? Are you my illegitimate child? Send input anytime!

Until tomorrow!


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